Night oximetry consists of the all-night continuous measurement of arterial oxygen saturation. This is done non-invasively with the pulse oximetry method. (SpO2).
Drops in saturation values recorded during the night are considered one of the most important parameters in identifying sleep apnea. But the value of night oximetry extends beyond sleep apnea diagnosis. It can also be used for example in patients with COPD to determine the need for supplemental oxygen at night.
Night oximetry consists of the all-night continuous measurement of arterial oxygen saturation. This is done non-invasively with the pulse oximetry method. (SpO2).
Drops in saturation values recorded during the night are considered one of the most important parameters in identifying sleep apnea. But the value of night oximetry extends beyond sleep apnea diagnosis. It can also be used for example in patients with COPD to determine the need for supplemental oxygen at night.
Oxygen saturation is determined by a soft finger sensor, that brings minimum discomfort to the examinee, as the devise records all night the arterial oxygen saturation and the heart rate. After transferring the data to a computer, analysis is automated and the results resented in graphical and numerical form.
This initial evaluation of sleep apnea will help the physician to determine quickly and with reliability, if the examinee needs further testing, like ApneaLink home study, home polysomnography of lab polysomnography.
pulse-oximetry ATS.pdf